Tuesday, August 7, 2012

First Post!


What should I write about?!? These were the thoughts running through my mind:  “What would I blog/write about? Who would take the time to read it? Is anyone really that interested in my daily life?” 

But then I realized...this is for me.  I want to share some of my experiences, thoughts, adventures, travels and loves.

So here is to my one true love, my hubs because TODAY is our second wedding anniversary.


To my dear hubby on our second wedding anniversary (and eighth anniversary together!),

I love you. I love everything about you.  I am the luckiest girl in the world because I have you.  I cannot wait for many more years and many more adventures.  

love, wifey.

Our wedding, 2010.

 San Francisco, 2010.

 Punta Cana 2008

Our 2 year dating anniversary, 2006.

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